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  • Windows 10 Search Bar Cannot Write Problem Solution

Windows 10 Search Bar Cannot Write Problem Solution

Windows 10 Search Bar Cannot Write Problem Solution

The reason you encounter the problem of not being able to type in the Windows 10 search box is most likely because your operating system is activated with a crack called KMSpico. If the computer you formatted has activated the Windows 10 operating system on your computer with the KMSpico program, you may encounter this problem.  Users who activate the operating system with KMSpico may experience the problem of not being able to type in the  Windows 10 search box. We recommend you not to use such programs, both because of this and because pirated software should not be used.  The solution to the problem of not being able to type in the Windows 10 search box  An escape saying that it cannot be typed into the Windows 10 search box. We solved the problem of our user with the reg file we prepared. Download the file named MsCtfMonitor.xml that we prepared below. After downloading this file to your computer, add it to the relevant field in your task scheduler by saying  task. You can watch our video tutorial below on how to add it. Then restart your computer. You can download the file we prepared here. The solution to the problem It's pretty simple as you can see it. In order to avoid such problems, do not use pirated software, as we said above. 

  • CTRL+R
  • Type taskschd.msc
  • Task Scheduler Library
  • Microsoft
  • Windows
  • TextServicesFramework
  • Let's add the file inside the zip file by saying "take charge" in the empty space on the right, and let's say OK.

The article is excerpted from the web site sorsoyelim.com. The source link is below.

Source: https://www.sorsoyhayat.com/2369/windows-10-arama-kutusuna-yazamama-sorunu-sozumu

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