Web Design

Web Design

Website Design

We design your website compatible with all devices with CSS3, HTML5 and Bootstrap Framework. We are using PHP and MYSQL in the background. We do not use ready-made CMS systems, we use our own original content management system. We also update this software according to the needs and developing technology.



Mobile Site Design

We take care to make your mobile site useful and choose technologies that can work on mobile devices and tablets. We are trying to facilitate the transfer of information on your desktop site on mobile devices as well.



Professional Practices

We also code and develop our applications for you, which will attract your customers to your website and facilitate both your work and your customers' work, for the purpose of calculation, information acquisition and follow-up.



Business Tracking Applications

We write web-based business tracking applications that will facilitate the follow-up of your works, provide work sharing, analyze the retrospective works numerically and temporally, and also follow the performance.


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