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Turning off cPanel ModSecurity - CSRF Errors in Data Entries

Turning off cPanel ModSecurity - CSRF Errors in Data Entries

How to Enable or Disable Mode Security in cPanel?
With a web browser to a CMS domain or any type Is your IP often blocked when you access the script? Do you feel like your IP is blocked or the server is down or not working?

If the answer is "Yes", it may be a result of Mod Security.

What is

Mod Security?
ModSecurity is a module that protects your website from various types of attacks. Mod Security protects our website from hackers, hacks, brute force attack, cross-site request forgery (CSRF) and many other threats. We do not recommend disabling it, although it sometimes causes problems, instead we recommend fixing your software security vulnerability. This is because ModSecurity only protects your website from software security; when it is blocked.

Disabling ModSecurity can help you determine whether ModSecurity is blocking your IP or your client/visiting IP. But if that's not the case, it means your IP was blocked for a different reason. 


How to Enable or Disable Mod Security in

1. Login to your cPanel account.
2. In the "Security" section, click the "ModSecurity" Icon.

3. If ModSecurity is enabled, it will show a "Disable-OFF" option, click it and ModSecurity is on all your domains will be disabled. Next time, if you want to enable it, you will just have to click "Enable-ON". This will enable it on all domains.


ModSecurity How to Disable Selected Domains Only, Not All Domains?
You can have multiple domains and use ModSecurity only You may want to disable or enable on selected domains.

1. Log in to cPanel and click on the "ModSecurity" Icon under "Security(Security)".
2. Scroll to the bottom of the page.
3. Click "ON" or "OFF" under "Status" next to the field .

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