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  • Bootstrap Datatable Down / Up Arrow Error, Appearing as ↠Problem

Bootstrap Datatable Down / Up Arrow Error, Appearing as ↠Problem

Bootstrap Datatable Down / Up Arrow Error, Appearing as ↠Problem

Most of us use Bootstrap Datatable in our projects. I'm sure our child has come across a situation where the up and down arrow icons are broken. Sorting arrows (like â†) appear. When we do CTRL+F5 in the browser, he saw that it was fixed. Even though we have downloaded it, when we refresh it with normal F5, we see that it is loaded corruptly again. Even though it is a charset problem, you can follow the steps below for a definitive solution.

    Let's find the
  • Datatables.min.css or datatables.css file in our library. (We will edit whichever we include in the project.)
  • For the downward arrow, use the .dt-ordering-desc span.dt-column-order:after{ section. Let's search and edit the content field in the style definition as follows.
content:' \25BC';
  • For the up arrow, use .dt-ordering-asc span.dt-column-order:before{. Let's search and edit the style definition in the content field as follows
content:' \25B2';

Now our arrows will appear correctly and the character problem will be gone.

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